In Japan, it seems like there are only 2 groups in the world: Japanese people and foreigners (meaning the USA!) But this is not the case. Whilst I was living in Japan, I could see this emphasis on the USA on many occasions when I heard Japanese people saying ‘foreigners’ have blond hair and blue eyes. However, this only describes a small group of people of European origin, many of whom live in the USA. Chinese people also fall into the category of ‘foreigner’ but they don’t have blond hair or blue eyes. In fact, because they are also East Asians, they look just like Japanese people!
Maybe many people generalise like this because Japan’s population is mainly a mono-racial society, so they also see outsiders in only one way. Furthermore, a legacy of Japan’s limited historical interaction with other cultures and ethnicities during the Sakoku period spanning the 1600-1800s, which was justifiably aimed at keeping out European imperialistic ambitions and preserving national identity, might still influence this contemporary narrow definition of a foreigner. However, in contemporary times, remember it is always what’s inside that counts, not what is outside.
Further evidence of Japan’s emphasis on the USA is that the only foreign language taught in 99% of Japanese schools is English. The reason for this given by the Ministry of Education is that English is an international language which many people in the world speak. However, there are many other international languages which are spoken widely in several countries. In the order of the amount of native speakers, these include Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, English, Arabic and French. These languages (including Russian) are the international languages officially utilised by the United Nations. Other countries teach a range of these foreign languages in their schools, so why does Japan only concentrate on English?

We live in a pluralistic world, thus it is a mistake to define all foreigners as only having the physical characteristics of a small group of Europeans. There are about 194 other countries in the world, not just the USA! They are all as different and as unique as Japan in their cultures and ways of life. So it makes no sense to put them all in one group!
We must see each individual nationality for itself and appreciate the world for its diversity. Expand your horizons, and in discovering the various distinctions, I’m sure you will find great pleasure!