
“Hi there! This website is to raise inter-cultural understanding, which is essential for our globalised world. Therefore, I have made all the lesson materials FREE to download! Please help yourself!!

こんにちは! このウェブサイトは、グローバル化した世界に欠かせない異文化理解を高めることを目的としています。だからこそ、すべての授業教材は無料でダウンロードできるようにしました!どうぞご自甶にお使い下さい!!

Stage 3: Axis of Community|第3段階:共同体の軸

Q: Which country would you liketo go to?

A: I would like to go to ________________!

How does this country compare with Japan?


1) Physical Features

2) Language

3) Clothes / Fashion

4) Music

5) Festivals / Celebrations

6) Food

7) Popular Sports

8) Other




A:_____________へ行きた いです!



1) 身体的特徴

2) 言語

3) 衣服/ ファッショ 

4) 音楽

5) 祭り/祝い事

6) 食べ物

7) 人気のスポーツ 

8) その他

相違点 ? 


In Stage 2, I asked you to ‘expand your horizons’ and recognise the numerous different countries that make up our amazing world. And it is true that many places have several interesting and wonderful aspects that distinguish them from anywhere else. However, as you saw through our last exercise, when you look deeper into other cultures, we can recognise even more aspects that are similar to our own. In fact, if we weigh them up, we can see more similarities than differences. So why do we only concentrate on the different things when we look at a foreigner? After all, we are all fundamentally human beings.


When we forget this fact, people lose a sense of social decency to each other and there is no longer respect for human life. This can inspire terrible things like:

*war like the 2 World Wars of the last century

*colonialism like many European countries previously did to various parts of the world

*slavery which many different societies practised throughout history, even today

*genocide which still happens between various communities today






All this happens when people refuse to acknowledge that other cultures and ethnicities are also human with their own unique and valid society. But through our exercise in Stage 3, I hope you will see that we do not have to just concentrate on our differences. We all have more in common than initially meets the eye, more similarities than differences, and this makes us part of one human community.
